Frazer & Company

Evolving your brand begins by choosing a destination.

Strategy and branding are the conduit through which your organization travels from where you are today to where you endeavor to be tomorrow. Evolving a brand does not mean starting over—it means making deliberate choices of what to leave behind and what to bring with you on your journey to becoming the company you’ve dreamt of being.

Work with us

Branding is size-agnostic: We work with startups, monoliths, and everyone in between.

Rowen Frazer
Founder / Head of Design & Strategy

Rowen is a designer with 18 years of experience in the branding, advertising and marketing spaces. He learned to love graphic design at the Basel School of Design, learned to love team building at Ogilvy, and learned to love client relationships at Collins.
& Company
Stephen Lundberg
Creative Director, Copywriter

Steve is a freelance CW/CD. He's a branding, advertising & technology enthusiast and just helped launch a brand innovation studio. Steve has 20+ years experience in campaign development, brand engagements and creative leadership.
Nolen Strals
Creative Director, Designer & Illustrator

Nolen helps clients find and define their voice, whether it’s shouted along a noisy canning line or whispered in the aisles of a bookstore. A founder of the late, great Post Typography, Nolen’s concepts and executions are all centralized through a visceral charge.
Aaron Shapiro
Head of Business Development

Aaron is a young entrepreneur having already founded 2 successful startups, with a penchant for building lasting business relationships within the startup space.

Frequently asked questions


What does a typical audit look like?

We can audit company-wide or focus on a particular department. Each audit varies slightly in timeframe, but is organized via a sensible timeline with weekly check-ins. We first request all visual and verbal languages currently in-use at your organization, and we then present to you a consolidated POV on where we think the strongest territories exist. Ultimately, we make a decision together on which visual and verbal artifacts to bring forward with us into the brand evolution.


Do we need to commit to all processes to work with you?

Absolutely not. The greatest strength about being a small collective is that we are nimble and only as complex as we need to be. We can easily assist you with a brand audit alone, a full brand evolution—and everything in-between.


Which development tools do you use?

We have access to a wide variety of tools to maximize collaboration optimization among all of our clients. We have licenses for the Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, Figma, Slack and task management tools such as Monday/ClickUp.


Which niches do you work in?

Our client list is fairly diverse, however we stand to provide the greatest value to companies at crucial pivots in their growth cycle. This can mean startups opening a fundraising round, small to mid size companies entering a pitch season, or corporations vying for a merger.


Why do you prefer to design brand guidelines/style guides last in your process?

Brand guidelines are great tools for upholding the visual and verbal integrity of a company. But the problem we see business face too often is that they are handcuffed by their guidelines, which can create massive friction between internal teams such as a brand design team and a marketing team. We have had great success producing design work first, and enabling all team leads to be on board with the design system and rules that we aim to put in place. Then, once everyone is bought it—we write the rules.


What happens at the end of your process?

We are different from other branding companies in how we view process—particularly as it pertains to collaboration. We are not territorial. Good work is good work and we will contribute in any way possible. Many times, at the end of a project, this means helping a client hire a lead designer who will oversee the design system we’ve created. We have decades of experience in talent assessment in the realm of design, and can help you hire an individual or team to bring forward everything we develop with you.

